Deliveries.im was set up by Douglas-based web designer, Paula Garrett as a way to connect Isle of Man residents with local delivery services, and to help give exposure to IOM businesses adapting their business model to include deliveries during the Corona Virus lockdown.
It’s a resource Paula wishes she’d had at the start of lockdown.
In tough times like these, the community needs to come together to support each other, and Paula hopes that this is her little part in helping.
This website is here for the long-haul and won’t disappear after lockdown has ended as it’s important to not only support local businesses now but in the future too. We’re all in this together – some are struggling more than others – but it’s important we stick together.
Add a listing
This website is still a work-in-progress with more listings being added daily.
If you know of any companies that should be included in this directory, please ping Paula an email Paula@deliveries.im, or submit a listing here
Amend a listing
Already have a listing but need to make a change? Just email Paula@deliveries.im with the changes you’d like made.
Need help with your website?
Need help with your existing website or want a website built? Contact Paula at Paula@decimusdesign.com